Gameplay: In short, this is a seemingly basic version of Pac Man mixed with an underwhelming pinball game that unites to make something much more special than it should be.

There are other familiar clips and original odd sounds, but nothing overtly "pinball" about any of them. The opening noise of the ball shooting out onto the playfield is the same sound of a friend dying (Or the Evil Master dying) in Crossbow.

The bumper noises sound comically exaggerated (and wet). It's a curious set of sound effects to say the least. Again, to me, the interesting facet of the audio is the pinball portion of the title, because these bleeps and blops are complete fabrications of imagination and experience. Sound: The sound to the maze portion of this game is nearly identical to arcade version, and is the usual mix of chomping and swirling ambient noise associated with games such as these. Pac Man sowing her Thelma and Louise oats). Even included are respectable attempts at pinball art from the cab (including a naughty Ms. The pinball screen is a complete graphical conjuring, trying to replicate real like jumpers, bumpers, flippers, and hardware under 7800 limitations. Graphics: Graphically speaking, the maze portion of this title looks exactly like the arcade version of Baby Pac Man, but unfortunately, its pretty bland looking for a Pac Man game. What sounds like a desperate attempt to cash in on Pac Man Fever turns out to be an extremely challenging hybrid that finally gives the Atari 7800 a much needed pinball game in its library. You see, the pedestrian sounding Baby Pac-Man is actually an insipid Pac Man game, mixed with a simple pinball game. and that's because it would have been impossible to do, faithfully. For starters, its a port of a Pac Man game that has NEVER been ported to a classic video game system. Hacks that live under bridges and hacks that killed Odyssey 2 games in alleys for blood sport. But to be honest, the Atariħ800 Homebrew scene wore me out with Pac Man clones, hacks, graphic hacks, dumb hacks, hacks we never wanted and hacks no one needed. In my time away, I somehow missed a homebrew release from Atari Age. Overview: I came back to resurrecting my old Atari 7800 website during the summer of 2020. Pac Man Totally Topless in Front of Her Kid? Punishing Difficulty/ Original Source Material's Graphics are BlandĪm I Crazy, or is Ms. Only Pinball Game for the 7800/ Crazily Happy Marriage of Two Genres Hey Man! Where'z All Them Dots! You Know, The Funky Ones!